People seem to have the wrong Idea of who I am. I'm beautiful, the most beautiful creature that human eyes will ever see...but do you believe it doesn't come at a price?. The change isn't a decision any of us had (Not even Bella in the end,as much as she would argue that) or were able to make on our own. Were I given the chance to go back in time, and remain die a human, I would. If I could trade this beauty that brought such violence upon me, for a face that you would see and forget, I would.
Being beautiful isn't all bad. Maybe my beauty is the reason Emmett has stayed with me all these years. While we may never grow old together, we still grow together. He is my Monkey-Man, he completes me in a way, no other mortal or immortal ever could. He is the Sun and I am the moon. I often wonder if he'd rather I had not led him into my world. I feel bad for all the things I may have kept from him, but I'd feel worse if I had to have a Forever that didn't include him.
See?. Still selfish. Carlisle calls it something else, but that's a Dad's job isn't it?. Reassure your children everything will be okay?. Yeah...I got lucky the day my family came into being. I would not trade this lifetime for any other, I see that now, but some days...I forget how lucky I am.
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